Die bunten Spielsteine von LEGO aus dem dänischen Billund, bringen nicht nur seit Jahrzehnten Freude in die Kinderzimmer dieser Welt, sondern dienen mittlerweile auch diversen kreativen Köpfen als Quelle der Inspiration. Einige bemerkenswerte LEGO-Kreationen haben wir Euch in der Vergangenheit hier auf WHUDAT präsentiert. Auch der polnische Künstler Michal Kulesz aus Bialystok wandelt auf genau diesen Pfaden und beschert uns eine ganze Reihe ziemlich kreativer, minimalistischer Food-Skulpturen. Wie perfekt es der 24-jährige versteht, seine Ideen mit den bunten Steinchen umzusetzen, lässt sich direkt hier unten überprüfen. Viel Spaß damit:
"Most of us don’t make it out of our toddler years without ingesting a few LEGO blocks. Polish artist Micha? Kulesza brings back those near-death experiences with his LEGO food sculptures. These are especially cool thanks to the way Micha? blends the plastic toys with real food items like a banana and orange peels. It’s also bizarre that he can make ABS plastic look delicious."

Lego: the building blocks of life.
Photographer and graphic designer Michal Kulesza, based out of Bialystok, Poland, doesn't just see Lego as his favorite childhood toy. He also sees the bricks in terms of color, form and shape — making them the perfect subject for his minimal photo series.
Kulesza takes common objects — from bread and butter to his electric razor — and juxtaposes pieces of Lego into everyday life.
"I wanted people to smile when browsing through my profile," Kulesza told Mashable in an email. "I wanted to surprise visitors with some weird ideas."
Kulesza has been a life-long lover of Lego, even before he was using them to make art.
"I think this is the best toy I had when I was a kid," he said. "I built my first Lego set when I was 7 or 8...I love the unlimited possibilities. You can build absolutely anything. Starting with a simple building all the way to the complex machines that actually work."
He started his Lego project back in November, uploading new photos online on an almost daily basis, but he hopes to take the project in a new direction in the coming months. "Not sure when exactly, because it takes resources, and time," he said.
More of Kulesza's Lego photography and other work can be found on his profile page on TookAPic.com.
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